"Leading Man Demands More Dog Treats!!" #NuttyDelivers
Boy has it been a crazy couple of months at Tilletts!! While it may have seemed that business was as usual on the surface, behind the scenes we have been working round the clock preparing for the last few weeks of 2018. That’s a scary thought right there!
So, what do we have coming up? Well, the usual Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas events of course but this year we have been putting together something very special. You may have of heard of a mischievous little pup named Nutty. Nutty joined Team Tillett at the beginning of June and quickly became a fan favourite amongst Tilletts VIP’s. Around the same time another young gentleman joined the company as our new Videographer, Waldo. Waldo is part of the family run business, Bracket Energy Media Production along with his father, Ben Keaton. Now, these two additions to the team may seem unrelated and insignificant but I assure you this meeting was written in the stars….
Ben, a former Actor and Writer for the BBC (you may recognise him from such shows as Casualty, Emmerdale and Father Ted) encountered Nutty on one of his many visits to Tilletts HQ with Waldo. Upon being greeted by this bouncing, curly bundle of puppydom he was struck with the idea of ‘Nutty Delivers’; a tale of a small, ambitious hound and a mission to save Christmas. Before we knew it, Ben proudly presented us with a storyboard for ‘Nutty Delivers’ and we were sold!
The idea, that’s the easy bit! Putting it all together with a full Production Team, Writers, Designers, Directors and a large cast of characters including a four-legged diva (I’m kidding he was a star) that’s the difficult bit. Tilletts, as you know is a fast-paced company with an ever-changing catalogue of clothing and three Directors that are constantly in demand. With this in mind, scheduling the filming of the advert proved somewhat troublesome. When some were free, others were not and of course we needed the correct lighting to create the perfect Christmassy atmosphere and this meant that night-time was the ideal shooting period. In addition to this, Santa is rarely available this close to Christmas so we really were beholden to him and his diary.
However, all of this is for nothing if the star of the show isn’t ready to tackle his part. So, Nutty underwent professional dog training whilst Mummy Grace was away and when he came back from his 3-day retreat……well, this pooch had a new attitude and a new swagger! The Dog Trainer, Lydia had worked very closely with our young pup and turned him into a leading man that Toto himself would have been proud of! Although, it seems since Mummy has returned those newly found skills seem to have been conveniently ‘forgotten’ by young Nutty – I told you he was mischievous! Tricks aside, this little boy did a fantastic job portraying the dog who saves Christmas whilst the Tilletts staff are none the wiser……but I’ve already said too much so if you want to know exactly how our little Nutty saves Christmas you’ll have to tune in on Facebook at 5pm on November 16 for the much anticipated premiere of ‘Nutty Delivers’!!
Team Tillett xx
Author: Sheryl Gibson-Hill
I will do my best but I always miss the beginning. Not very literate with my phone and tablet!! xx